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Craig Risi

Software Architect at Accenture

A man of many talents, but no sense of how to use them. Craig could be out changing the world but would prefer to make software instead. He possesses a passion for software design, but more importantly software quality and designing systems that can achieve this in a technically diverse and constantly evolving tech world. Craig is also the writer of the book, Quality By Design and writes regular articles on his blog sites and various other tech sites around the world. When not playing with software he can often be found writing, designing board games, or running long distances for no apparent reason.

Building Automated Quality Gates into your CI pipelines

How do you know when your code is ready for production? At what point in time can you trust your automated tests enough to deploy into production? In this talk, we will look at the ideal pipeline structure and showcase ways to validate the quality of your software while ensuring rapid deployment.

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