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Jeremy Daly

CEO and Co-founder at Ampt. AWS Serverless Hero

Jeremy is a passionate serverless advocate, an AWS Serverless Hero, and a senior technology leader with more than 25 years of experience building web and mobile applications. He is an active member of the serverless community, creating and contributing to open source serverless projects, and frequently consulting with companies looking to adopt serverless. Jeremy also writes extensively about serverless on his blog jeremydaly.com, publishes Off-by-none, a weekly email newsletter that focuses on all things serverless, and hosts the Serverless Chats Podcast. He is currently the CEO of Ampt.

Serverless Revolution 2024 and Beyond

Serverless has revolutionized the way organizations build, deploy, and manage cloud applications, but has been slow to adopt due to shifting responsibilities, complex learning curves, and subpar developer experiences. So what's the next revolution that will allow everyone to harness the full power of serverless? Find out how AI, self-provisioning runtimes, and a new generation of platforms will finally deliver serverless the way it was meant to be.

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